Materials and Additives

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Epsilon Closed-Mould Solutions

Materials & ​Additives ​

Silicone VMS26 A/B Or VBS 26-35 A/B

This is a pourable and also suitable for pumping 2-part addition cure silicone elastomer system.

  • Low viscosity.
  • Easy 1:1 mix ratio
  • Fast cure
  • High tear resistance
  • Gel time 8 minutes at 22C

TA50 Hand mix Thixotropic additive – 102164

The seal profile on the reusable vacuum bag allows the important flange seal to be moulded during bag spray up. An ideal method of adding thixo droplets to hand mixed batches of 100 g the silicone so that the seal profile is rapidly built up on each side before spraying and cloth reinforcing.

Supplied in 30 g special droplet dispense bottles the user simply mixes 100g of A and B silicone with 4-6 drops of the TA50 thixotropic additive. The rapidly produced paste silicone can then be neatly spread either side of the seal profile to form a simple curve for normal reinforcing with the cloth strips.

Pot Life Extender – PLE58R

It extends the gel time / pot life of silicone. Pot life extender is used when mixing brush on silicone. User can add to achieve 1 hour or more usable time of the VMS 26 or VBS26-35 which has a normal gel time of 8 minutes